dR Y walker chartered (BPS) & Registered (HCPC) Psychologist

Schools and Parents
Child development and education:

  • Specialising in early years and the assessment, identification and intervention of learning differences in all ages, including developmental delay/disorder, language impairments, autistic spectrum conditions, behavioural, social/emotional development and other learning difficulties e.g. dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia.
  • Assessments of potential for school/college/course selection


Universities and Colleges

  • Detailed diagnostic assessments (written within DSA guidelines) to identify dyslexic difficulties as well as other specific learning difficulties, e.g. dyspraxia and dyscalculia.


Employers and Employees

  • Occupational assessment of workplace needs and consideration of how dyslexia and/or other difficulties impact upon the efficient execution of a particular role.   The assessment identifies training needs and ways in which an employer can assist and support their employee.
  • Life Coaching for individuals and self-improvement training for specific skills e.g. public speaking and presentations
  • Coaching for organisational development and improvement